
No place for inequality at the workplace



Although you’ve heard statements like They care more about their looks and less about work or Let them dedicate themselves to family instead of career many times before, you’ve probably seen them on billboards for the first time in the past two weeks. Who did you first think of when you read them?

They care more about their looks and less about work. // It’s natural that they are paid less. // Let them dedicate themselves to family instead of career. // They have less business sense.

Gender isn’t mentioned nowhere in these statements, but the vast majority of people think of women first. This was exactly the idea behind our It's not working in the workplace launched in collaboration with CESI with the aim of eradicating deep-rooted gender prejudices because inequality is not okay anywhere, not even in the workplace.

Awareness of the problem is only one part of the solution, so more concrete steps are needed. The CESI organization proposes to change the current Labour Law, which currently protects pregnant women and persons on maternity leave from getting fired for only 15 days - to a minimum of one year after the termination of these conditions. Support this proposal with your signature on and be part of the change or join the campaign by sharing cards, changing profile picture and other activism on social networks #sharingiscaring

To have an attitude doesn’t mean you’re strict, harsh or masculine. // Woman, mother, less paid worker. // Women have about 13 % lower salary and 22 % lower pension than men. // Every third woman during interview for a job was asked about plans about children, which is prohibited by law.

A number of organizations and ambassadors have already joined the action - influential individuals from the business world who shared with CESI their experiences and examples of good practice in promoting gender equality in their workplace. If you want to share your experience with us, contact us at

Due to gender prejudices, women regularly do lower paid jobs where they find it harder to progress. On average, they have a 13 % lower salary than men and a 22 % lower pension. They enter the supervisory boards even 12 years later than the men, and when they succeed, they are lonely there: there are as many as three men for one woman. In addition, every third woman is asked about plans about children when hiring, which is prohibited by law. Examples of discrimination do not stop here, but together we can put an end to them.

It’s natural that they are paid less.

The project "Worker - Gender Equality in the World of Work" was supported with 130,491 euros of financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under EEA grants.

If you are in the media and want to support the action, you can find the materials here or contact us.

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